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Bankruptcy Act Amendment

The Bankruptcy Amendment (Discharge from Bankruptcy) Act 2023 (the Act) has come into effect. It amends the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and the Bankruptcy Regulations 2021. It aligns the filing and discharge dates listed on the National Personal Insolvency Index with the longstanding practice of the Official Receiver.

Further information is on the AFSA website.

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AFSA reference

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  • You may enter names with hyphens (-), apostrophes (') or other special characters, but records without them will be included in results.
  • A Starts With or Contains method can help locate the person if you don't know exact details. For example:
    • A Starts with search for 'Tim' will match both TIMOTHY and TIMEON.
    • A Contains search for 'Ste' will match STEVEN, STEPHEN, ESTELLE and CELESTE.
  • Entering a middle name and date of birth may help narrow the results.
  • It is recommended you Also match records with no middle name or date of birth as these details may not be available for all records.
  • More information about the Bankruptcy Register Search and search tips.