Your Feedback
Please describe your experience

Send us your feedback

We welcome your feedback to help us improve our service and information.

If you want to make a tip-off please use our tip-off form:

How we handle your feedback

AFSA is responsible for monitoring standards of personal insolvency practitioners (including registered trustees, the Official Trustee, and debt agreement administrators) under the Bankruptcy Act.

Our complaints handling procedure outlines our complaints process and provides more information on how to make a complaint.

Our role includes investigating complaints against trustees and administrators. We also deal with requests for review of certain decisions made by trustees on behalf of the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy.

You can find more information about lodging complaints against trustees and administrators.

Privacy: The information you are required to provide on this form is collected under, and for the purposes of, the Bankruptcy Act 1966 or related legislation. The Australian Financial Security Authority has a privacy policy at that provides information regarding the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information.